Insights in occupancy and comfort of rooms.
VDAB had the wish to monitor whether rooms and workspaces were being used, and what their occupancy rate is. In addition, they also wanted to map out the comfort (temperature and air quality) in these rooms.
VDAB had de wens te monitoren of ruimten en werkplekken in haar gebouwen al dan niet in gebruik zijn, en wat de bezettingsgraad is in deze ruimten. Ook wilde VDAB het comfort (temperatuur en luchtkwaliteit) van deze ruimten in kaart brengen. VDAB had the wish to monitor whether or not rooms and workspaces were being used, and what their occupancy rate is. In addition, they also wanted to map out the comfort (temperature and air quality) in these rooms.
SWYCS has the ultimate solution for this. After announcing the award, we started placing sensors in the Aalst VDAB location. With this, they are able to see which rooms are occupied or not. Additionally, sensors were placed on the work spaces, these show whether the place is taken or not.
To monitor the air quality, comfort sensors were placed. All sensor date is collected in the IoT platform and is made clear on user-friendly dashboards. This visualization is available in the SWYCS web portal and app, as well as indoor maps.
From blueprint to roll out
After the successful implementation in Aalst, 6 more VDAB buildings have been equipped with the same solution.